Wednesday 5 March 2014

The Weedy Sea Dragon

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The Phyllopteryx taeniolatus, most commonly known as the weedy sea dragon is a fascinating looking creature. They can grow from 14 to 18 inches long and are a master of disguise.

They have lots of leaf shaped appendages that layer their bodies that help them blend into the the seaweed around them. They have long skinny snouts with bony rings around them. They are found in seagrass beds, coral reefs and also in seaweed.

They eat mysticetes and sea lice and they are threatened by pollution. These weedy sea dragons are near to endangered and cannot swim very fast that is why they rely on their camouflage for protection. These creatures are related to sea horses but they cannot use their tails for gripping on to things.

These creatures are really fascinating so I hope you learnt something new about the weedy sea dragon (Phyllopteryx taeniolatus).

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