Saturday 27 September 2014

Multiplication Practice Over Holidays

My goal is to get a full ten by ten finished in under 2 minutes.

Date: 28/09/14


Sunday 14 September 2014

All About Rimu Tree's

Dacrydium cupressinum commonly known as the rimu tree is a common tree native to New Zealand. It is a slow growing tree that is mainly found in well drained areas. It is described as having log drooping branches with a rough peeling bark. Nowadays the rimu trees reddish brown wood is commonly used to make furniture and small ornaments but earlier on it was used for framing and weather boards. When the rimu trees start to reproduce it is an important time as the tree only grows berries every 3 - 4 years. First the tree has to grow berries then the birds come along and eat the berries dropping the seeds on the ground. After that hopefully the seeds will soon start to grow into small trees and eventually into big trees. Some of these amazing trees can grow to be 800 even 1,000 years old. The rimu tree is also important not only for trade but to the maori because its bark can be crushed up and mixed with water can be used to treat burns and scalds. While the gum from inside the tree can be used to stop bleeding. It is said that they mixed the gum with a tiny bit of water can be used to stop lungs from bleeding or any aches or pains. They also used the sap to make beer and food. The reason I think rimu is the best tree in the school is because it can heel and help people get better but the main reason is because it is the name of our house and our house is awesome.

AIMS Games Multisport



Last week I was competing in AIMS Games which is a huge international sporting event. It is an event for kids in years 7-8 (intermediate). AIMS Games is held in Tauranga. I was competing in multisport which is just one of the many sports of offer at this event. Multisport is like a triathlon but instead of swimming you kayak instead. I came 30th out of 46 people with a time of 40.56 minutes. This race is said to be one of the most challenging events in all of AIMS Games. Before we got into the team we had to go through a trial of all the skills needed in the race. I was really excited when I got in but I always knew it was going to be a challenge. My two coaches Mr Hart and Sam were awesome and they helped us to reach our full potential. My favourite moment in the race was when I crossed the finish line and my friend Anneliese came rushing up to me and gave me a hug. It was awesome to know that my friend was as excited as me. I would like to thank her and the many other people who helped to encourage me to finish the race. Up above are some photos of me during the race taken by my teacher.

Wednesday 3 September 2014


Every week I go to guitar  lessons at my school with my guitar teacher Mr Campbell. My lesson is at 3:30 on a tuesday afternoon it is after school of course. Each week we start by doing revision from the week before just to make sure we have got the idea of the new concept. Then we start looking at the the new concept for the week. This week we were learning about slash chords which is when you play a chord but it is either one note higher or lower on the musical scale. We also were learning about minor sevens which is when you remove a note or two from the chord you are playing. We also looked back at a skill we were taught at the start of the year called harmonics which is a common way used to turn the guitar by ear. Once we finish the new concept we always have a competition to see who is the best. This can sometimes get very competitive.