Monday 7 April 2014

Student Led Confrences

How did it go? 
What was it like having them in class?

What did they like about the process?
Mum and Dad
- I think it was nice to meet Mrs Mills in person.
- It was nice to be able to understand how the learning pathway diagrams work.
- I think it was good to be able to look at her work on line and bring her books home because time was limited.
- I liked going to the interviews together as a family.
- The interviews we at a good time during the term.
- It was good to know where Jordan was learning and to know where her class room.
- I liked how she answered our questions that we had asked when we booked the interview.

What did you like about the process?
What would we like to do differently next time?
- Maybe next time I would not have two interviews so close together because we were rushed as a family.

Extra Comments:
- I liked how Mrs Mills thought about the younger family members and had the I pad set up.

Me, Mum, Dad and Sian

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