Sunday 17 November 2013

Farm Crazy!!!

While I had an international student we went to my friends farm so Nichika and her friend Alice (Arisu) could see what a New Zealand farm is like.

While we were at the farm my friend Nathan picked up one of the chickens and brought it over to the two international students, it was funny when they saw the chicken because they freaked out but they calmed down when they knew what it was.

We also saw the roosters, turkeys, lambs and their ducklings. Then we had wraps for dinner with chicken, avocado, lettuce and different other things. After that we played a game of tag and then hide and seek.

Orienteering Recount

During October my family decided that we were going to join in on an orienteering race in Rotorua. Our day started off with a light briefing. Then after that we got given a question sheet, a map and a compass. 

We got given an hour to find as many points on the map as posable. We found about twenty four out of forty points. Our team was all children so we did pretty well. Most of all we actually had fun doing the course and got at least 1/2 of the points on the map right.

When we looked at the results we got 10/13 teams so we did well for a group of children.

A Surprise in the Harbour

During the last couple of weekends I have been working on my Science Award Badges. One of my tasks was I had to record some marine sounds, so we went all over Tauranga recording different types of wave sounds and bird calls. While I was recording the sounds of some waves in the Tauranga Harbour, we had some surprising visitors, a couple of very large short tailed stingrays came cruising past through the harbour. I was really lucky because I managed to get them on video as they glided past.
Here is a video of the stingrays:

We also saw some small jellyfish that the stingrays like to eat.
Here is a photo: