Thursday 23 May 2013

Food Tech-Jam Tarts

This week we did technology at school I did food tech here are some photos of what I made:

I made jam tarts with cream and they tasted really good

Wednesday 15 May 2013

I'm Doing Gymnastics

Every Wednesday I go to the gym nasium to do gymnastics. My leaders are Marie and Anita and they are from the gymnastics academy and they are both really nice. We have learnt to do routines on the beam, floor and the vault. We also practise our handstands, cartwheels and rolls. My favorite part of gymnastics is doing trampoline even though we don’t learn routines.        

I'm Playing Guitar

Every Tuesday I go to Mr Campbell's guitar class Mr Campbell is my teacher he is really funny and can play lots of songs off the radio. There are three other students in my class with me they are Zoe, Millie and Matthew the class is roughly half an hour long and is in the school band room. We have learnt some chords like F, C, D, Em, Am, G and Dm and we are learning a song at the moment. My lessons are once every week and are really exciting. My favorite part is playing on the electric guitar and the electric bass.

Here is a photo of me practising at home:      

Monday 13 May 2013

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

When I picked up the Hunger Games book I just kept reading and I could not stop it just seemed to draw me into it and I felt like I was actually in the book it was so good.

The book was about 24 tributes that came from different districts and they had to fight to there death in an arena.

My favorite part in the book was when Katniss, the main character, shot the apple in the pig's mouth during training.

My rating is 5/5 because it was such an awesome book.        

Monday 6 May 2013

The Tramp

The Linderman Track

During one of the week ends last term mum ,some students from Bethlehem college and me went on a trail walk we started at about 8:00 in the morning and got back about 4:30. During the walk a girl wrecked her ankle and we had to strap it. Going up it was really steep and so was going down. I was the youngest person there by three or four years. We also had another girl who sprained her ankle. Just after we crossed a stream there was a bit of a bank and I could not get up the bank so a girl called Kate helped. The leader that took us up the track was called paul. While we were there we practised using a compass and learnt to built bivouacs.

The weetbix TRYathlon

The Weetbix TRYathlon

On the Sunday 24 March 2013 I did the weetbix kids TRYathlon at memorial park the first thing you do when you get there is that you go and set up so first you have to go and get your shirt and number. Then you have to get your cap and your starting pack then you put your bike in transition. Then it is time for the morning brief then it is strait into the races first go the older racers because they have to got longer to race. My race was third my cap was white and the colour of the caps after us were yellow and the caps before us were green. At the end of the day I did not win anything but I did have fun.

Cooking For Family One

This is the slide show of the first meal I cooked for my family:

This is the slide show of the second meal I cooked for my family:

This is the slide show of the third meal I cooked for my family:

Sunday 5 May 2013

Crazy Adventures-Stingray Feeding

Have you ever been stingray feeding? I have in Gisborne. It was a bit scary because some of the stingrays were quite big. The first thing we did when we got there was go to a meeting place where one of the people checked everyone was there. Then we went out on to the reef where the leader chucked some meat into the water to attract the stingrays when the stingrays came near we all got a piece of meat it was quite funny to feed the stingrays because they were like vacum cleaners because they suck the food out of your hand.
Here is a photo of me, my dad, and my cousin in waders...

 Here is a photo of one of the types of stingray it is called the eagle ray...